3 July 2012 – making arrangements


Sorry I’ve been AWOL but lots going on here with arrangements for Commando’s mum’s funeral. The PM has been done and the official cause of death was DVT going to her heart and lungs but this was really just the straw that broke the camel’s back with all her other health problems.

Yesterday we went to see her which was quite a strange thing for me. I didn’t do this with my mum and now I wish I had. We spent some time saying our goodbyes (myself, Commando and my two youngest boys) then left Commando to have a little time on his own. Her cremation is on Thursday with black horses and a glass coach which is what she wanted. She had everything planned right down to what she would wear and what flowers she wanted. We have a big arrangement in the shape of an owl because she collected owl figurines. It is going to be a sad day but the boys and I are trying our best to support Commando.

I have been eating rubbish and not exercising so there will be some big time damage control once this is all over and life gets back to something approaching normal. I promise I will be back

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