27 July 2011 – Grazing


Sirona gave me a voucher to try out Graze boxes and the free sample arrived yesterday while I was at work. It looks very impressive. For anyone who doesn’t know about graze boxes, they’re boxes of little packs of healthy snacks. You choose all the different things you like, and each week they send you a box. I’m probably more excited by mine than anyone really should be about boxes of seeds and nuts but still. Continue reading

23 July 2011 – Exercise can be expensive


We had to go to town this morning to get a new tv/DVD combo for the gym because the DVD in the old one died, probably because I overworked it! Most day I use it at some point for exercise DVDs and have been since we got the tv. As the tv part still works CJ is clearing the rubbish dump that is his room so that he can have it. We then have to take the old tv from his room (which is the size of a fridge freezer and weighs about the same as a car) to the dump. Continue reading

2 July 2011 – veg and smoothies


This morning I was stuck outside while Commando jet washed the decking so I made the most of it by gardening. On the veg patch little baby tomatoes were forming, radishes coming up and the first cabbages and cauliflower were ready to cut. I also cut some corriander seeds to dry and picked a load more peas. The slugs have managed to use overhanging leaves to jump over the copper tape and get in amongst the veg so there was a chopping back and slug picking session. I know I could use slug pellets but I don’t like killing things, even slugs. It may sound silly but my Buddhist persuasion will not let me do it. I picked them all off and put them elsewhere in the garden where they can’t do so much damage. I have a sneaking suspicion they will find their way back. I swear I have homing slugs. Continue reading

1 July 2011 – A great honour


One of the reasons I finally managed to get my weight under control was the Weight Loss Resources website and the support of all the lovely people on there. Today I was given the great accolade of having my success story featured on the site. Of course I’ve known about it for a while because they asked me to write about myself and send them some pictures. I have to say I was really honored to be asked to tell my story, especially as I felt there were so many others on the site much more deserving. Continue reading