26 June 2012 – sad news


I may be off the radar for a while. A couple of hours ago I had a call from Commando to say his mum has passed away. We knew it was on the cards but it is still a bit of a shock. His dad called him in a bit of a state having just called the ambulance. Commando left work and went round there, calling me on the way.

So far all I know is she died just after the paramedics arrived and Commando was there with his dad and the paramedics and the police (apparently a formality in these circumstances). He is going over to the hospital with his dad as they are taking her to the chapel of rest (I think but I could be wrong). CJ is out but will hopefully be back soon.
I’m just sitting here waiting for more news or for someone to turn up, can’t sleep but wish I could because the waiting is horrible. I am expecting the next few days to be a bit of a mess with loads to do so I may be AWOL. Just in case anyone was worried.

1 May 2012 – the good news, the bad news and the uncertainty


Hi folks. Just to let you know I am still around just skulking in the background. After the redundancy announcement last Monday I’ve been a bit lax with the logging etc and, if I’m honest, eaten way too much. Comfort eating I know. Also had the girls from work round on Friday night and a great deal of alcohol was consumed, plus a photo of the infamous Mad House MD who came to our office on Friday and told us all how hard it was for him to close our building pinned up on the punch bag got a good beating. Continue reading

23 April 2012 – Bombshell on the work front


I have an unexpected day off. I went to work this morning as normal and at 11 they told us all to get off the phones for a meeting. No one had any idea what it was about and we all gathered looking a bit puzzled. After a bit of waffle the floor manager announced that our building is going to close at the end of the year and we are all going to get made redundant. Seems like we will have work until July but after that that’s it. Continue reading

2 March 2012 – Beware Acts of kindness


We were given some horrible news today at work that has put all life’s little worries into perspective for sure. One of my colleagues, a lovely bubbly lady, was walking with her three children last night at about 7pm. She was waiting to cross the road, and a van stopped to let her cross. She held her children’s hands and crossed but a motorbike was overtaking the van, not aware she was crossing, and hit her three year old daughter. The little girl died in hospital a little while later. The whole office has been in shock all day. This lovely lady always talks about her children and it’s hard to imagine how she must be feeling. Continue reading

13 February 2012 – Feeling disheartened


Over the last few weeks I’ve been working really hard to get rid of the weight I put on whiles I was immobilised after my car accident. After I was given the all clear to go back to the high impact exercise I slowly built up the kettle bells and step, the Pump it Up and religiously stuck to logging my food apart from a tiny chocolate slip up last week. Today I weighed in and I’ve put on two pounds! Continue reading

24 January 2012 – a puzzle


Today I am feeling pretty rubbish but I’m off to work anyway. We have a pretty draconian sickness policy at Mad House so everyone goes to work unless they are incapable of leaving the house and even then it’s frowned upon. Hence everyone spreads their germs around. So I shall be spreading my germs around today. Continue reading

12 January 2012 – A little rant


Yesterday morning Mad House was one of the companies mentioned on a rather over the top news item. Watching, I knew it was going to feature in my phone calls. I was right. We all had a horrible day because everyone who saw the sensationalist press believed that they were entitled to some kind of compensation for things as trivial as their fridge delivery being half an hour late. Continue reading